GENUS Training Notes

6 minute read


The following is my notes of GENUS training course on Cadence’s training module

Module 03: genus fundamentals:

common UI vs legacy mode

  • unified commands with Tempus
  • common us: set_db & get_db
  • legacy mode: set_attribute & get_attribute
    • .synth_init file: setup info, auto load when start legacy UI, can be skipped with -no_custom command line option

explore design hier in legacy UI

  • virtual directory structure
      • /: root dir
        • designs
          • top_module
            • instances_hier: current module’s hier instances
            • instances_seq: current module’s sequential instances
            • instances_cmb: current module’s combinational instancs
        • libraries
        • hdl_libraries
        • flows
  • use find to locate objects
    • ex. find all the pins find /designs/* -pin *
  • use ls + cd to navigate through this virtual directory structure
    • even rm, mv, pushd, popd
    • report all related attributes associated for all the pins: ls -la [find /designs/* -pin *]
  • navigate UNIX disk
    • lpwd, lcd, lls


  • set_attribute <attr_name> <value> <object>
  • get_attribute <attr_name> <object>
    • works on single object only
  • get help
      • get_attribute -h <attr_name> [<object_type>]
        • get help on attribute
        • <attr_name> can include wildcards
    • set_attribute -h: reports writable attr
  • attr are dependent on the stage of synthesis flow

input and output

  • input:

    RTL + constraint + library + power intent + physical

  • output:

    netlist + LEC dofile + ATPG, scanDEF + constraints + physical design input files

template script

  • write_template


  1. setup libraries
    • set_attribute init_lib_search_path <path> /
    • ` set_attribute library $ls_lib`
    • library domain for low-power design (if not included in CPF)
    • create_library_domain {lib_domain1 lib_domain2}
    • set_attribute library $ls_lib1 lib_domain1 power_domain1 * dont use
    • set_attribute avoid <1/0> <cell_names>
    • or use set_dont_use <cell_names> * (optional) setup physical layout estimation (PLE)
    • dynamically calculates wire delays for different logic structures
    • vs Genus-Physical
      • floorplan DEF is optional
    • set_attribute lef_library <lef_header>
    • set_attribute qrc_tech_file <qrc_tech_file_path>
    • set_attribute interconnect_mode ple
  2. read HDL
    • set_attr init_hdl_search_path <path> /
    • read_hdl
  3. elaborate
    • what
    • build data structure, infer registers
    • high-level HDL opt, remove dead code
    • identify clock gating candidates
    • overwrite parameters for diff modules * elaborate
    • after elaboration, the /designs is populated * check_design -all
    • must: unresolved references
  4. read constraints
    • read_sdc (preferred)
    • echo $::dc::sdc_failed_commands > failed.sdc
    • check_timing_intent -verbose
    • check failed commands and errors
  5. opt directives
    • preserve instances and subdesign (dont touch)
    • set_attr preserve
      • false/true
      • delete_ok
      • const_prop_delete_ok
      • const_prop_size_delete_ok
      • size_ok
      • map_size_ok
      • size_delete_ok
        • grouping/ungrouping hierarchy
    • group -group_name <name> <ls_inst>
    • ungroup <hier>
    • disable ungrouping by set_attr ungroup_ok false <inst> * boundary opt (default performed)
    • disable by set_attr boundary_opto false <sub_design>
    • use dynamic hierarchical check to verify boundary opt in conformal LEC * opt sequential logic (default performed)
    • remove unused flops that is not driving an output port
    • disable by
      • set_attr hdl_preserve_unused_register true /
      • set_attr delete_unloaded_seqs false /
      • set_attr optimize_constant_0_flops false /
      • set_attr optimize_constant_1_flops false /
    • same thing to combinational logic that drives unloaded hier pins
      • disable by set_attr prune_unused_logic false <pins> * merge sequential logic (default performed)
    • combine flops and latches that are equivalent in the same hierarchy
    • disable by
      • set_attr optimize_merge_flops false /
      • set_attr optimize_merge_latches false /
      • set_attr optimize_merge_seq false <inst> * multibit cell inference (MBCI)
    • flops/tri-state cell/MUX/inverters/…
    • share clock to reduce power/improve reliability
    • LEC support
    • can control naming style (for verification)
    • set_attr use_multibit_cells true * other opt
    • opt async reset logic
      • set_attr time_recovery_arcs true /
    • auto ungrouping
      • set_attr auto_ungroup {none | both}
    • keep the synchronous feedback logic immediately in front of the sequential elements (?)
      • set_attr hdl_ff_keep_feedback
      • affect how enable logic of a flop is implemented
    • opt TNS other than WNS
      • set_attr tns_opto true /
  6. synthesis
    • 1st level: syn_generic <-physical>
    • tech independent RTL opt
      • can skip for netlist-to-netlist synthesis
    • set_attr syn_generic_effort
      • medium by default * 2nd level: syn_map <-physical>
    • mapping to lib, and logic op
      • initial structuring
        • constant propagation, clock gating
        • structuring for best delay
      • target info
        • estimate timing
      • global mapping
        • mapping to meet target
      • global incremental
        • net/drive opt
        • timing tuning
    • set_attr syn_map_effort
      • high by default
    • check the slack, if too negative, check the constraint/design * 3rd level: syn_opt <-physical> <-spatial> <-incr>
    • opt gates - fix drc, cleanup area, cleanup timing
    • set_attr syn_opt_effort - high by default * global effort
    • set_attr syn_global_effort
    • set to express while explore flow
      • accept not clean design
  7. analyze and report
    • after elaboration
    • check_design unresolved * constraint
    • check_timing_intent
    • use Conformal Constraint Designer (CCD) tool to validate timing constraint
      • write_to_ccd validate -sdc > dofile generate dofile used in CCD * check preserve attributes, remove those that are not needed * ungrouping small blocks can improve timing/area * reports
    • report_area
    • report_dp (datapath)
    • report_design_rules (drc)
    • report_messages
    • report_power
    • report_qor
    • report_timing
    • report_summary * from GUI
    • timing -> timing lint: gives a thorough

  8. gen outputs
    • write_hdl > filename
    • write_sdc > filename
    • write_design -innovus

command help

  • setenv MANPATH $CDN_SYNTH_ROOT/share/synth/man to view man pages from UNIX shell

Module 04: datapath:

datapath info in virtual file system

  • /hdl_libraries/
    • /hdl_libraries/CW (chipware)
    • /hdl_libraries/DW (designware)

      datapath operation

  • architecture selection
  • sharing and speculation (unsharing)
  • carry-save arithmetic (CSA)
  • datapath directives

  • CSA
    • set_attr dp_csa {inherited|basic|none} <design>
  • sharing and speculation
    • sharing: improve area
    • set_attr dp_sharing
    • set_attr dp_speculation
  • arch selection
    • manually control datapath arch selection (not recommended)
      • set_attr user_speed_grade [find /designs* -subdesign <name>] while speed can be ver_fastfastmediumslowvery_slow
  • reordering (reorder input to opt critical path)
  • ChipWare (CW)
    • also maps DesignWare components in RTL to CW

opt in syn_generic

  • constant propagation
  • resource sharing
  • logic speculation
  • MUX opt
  • CSA opt
  • datapath rewritin
    • QoR driven RTL code rewrite
    • by default during syn_generic with high effort level
    • no LEC impact
    • ex. `````````````````` assign p = a - b; assign q = a + b; assign y = s ? p : q;

better timing, smaller area

assign t = {16{s}} ^ b; assign y = a + t + s; ``````````````````


  • set_attr hdl_track_filename_row_col true / before read_hdl
  • report_dp after every stages: elaboration/syn_gen/syn_map/syn_opt to track datapath components changes

Module 05: debug design scenarios:

problem with sdc

  • check the log file for errors and warnings
  • check constraint consistency by check_timing_intent -verbose before synthesis

path grouping

  • cost group: opt cost groups simultaneously according to their weight, to minimize their WNS for each group
  • path group -> cost group

tighten/relax constraint

  • emphasize some paths in opt without impacting output SDC
  • path_adjust -from <obj> -to <obj> -delay <delta_slack_ps>
    • if delta_slack_ps < 0, tighten the path
    • if delta_slack_ps > 0, loosen the path
  • use rm [find /des* -exceptions pa_*] before report timing to get normal timing reports
    • the adjustment will be in the timing report if not removed

      bottom-up design flow

  • promote submodule
    • create_derived_design promote submodule to top-level module

Module 06: physical synthesis:

clipper flow

  • block level physical synthesis <-> unit level physical synthesis
    • unit level cannot understand block level’s congestion and physical context issues
    • so pass timing/physical context DEF and constraint from block level to unit level
  • CMD
    • create_clip at higher level
      • block boundary must be preserved (remember, genus is very aggressive about optimizing)
    • read_clip at lower level